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Have I Been Cursed

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by braserplumre1970 2020. 1. 24. 07:32


Have I Been Cursed Have

Why have I been cursed? Moral Theology. Nelka June 1, 2019, 6:02pm #1. Why is it that some people in life no matter how hard they try or what they do they seem to be cursed. Misfortune and bad luck over and over whereas others always have good luck and always land on their feet.

Family Curses and Generational Curses 7 SignsFamily curses are reoccurring problems that steal, kill, and destroy. You need to learn how to break a curse. Scripture is clear God visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children up to the third and fourth generation (Exodus 20:5).Curses don’t visit your family without cause. When someone up the family tree gives spirits the right to visit because of iniquity, they come looking for a reason to mess up your life. Take courage. After family curses are exposed, Christ’s deliverance is readily available.THE FAMILY TREEYou cannot choose your relatives any more than you can choose skin color, gender, or race.

Someone up the family tree could be the cause of a generational curse. A family curse is a payment or “recompense for iniquity.” It is written, “Render unto them a recompense, O LORD, according to the work of their hands. Give them sorrow of heart, thy curse unto them. Persecute and destroy them in anger from under the heavens of the LORD” (Lamentations 3:64-66).Before you can break generational curses, we need to identify what they look like. Here is a partial list of family curses for your review.

Having one of these in your life or family may not indicate a family curse, to have several “reoccurring” ones might. The help of the Holy Spirit is vital in identifying a family curse. As you read this list, ask Him to give you a spirit of revelation.EMOTIONAL INSTABILITY, FEAR“The LORD shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart.” (Deuteronomy 28:28)The first curse we will discuss is emotional instability. Notice the Scripture above says the Lord will “smite with madness.” To be smitten with madness means insanity, craziness, foolishness, irrational behavior, and flakiness. He also uses the term “blindness.” This blindness releases confusion, indecision, and wonderment.If that’s not enough God follows that with “astonishment of heart” meaning a trembling, unsettled, and fearful heart.Under this curse, one is easily overcome by emotions and fear. These trigger a person to make foolish decisions and do crazy self-destructive things. In this condition, a person has a continual inner struggle, internal warfare, and frustration.Confusion and depression are two key indicators of this family curse.

This curse teaches why some are double-minded and have problems ordering their lives with the Word of God and renewing their minds.HEREDITARY FAMILY SICKNESSES“The LORD shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he has consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it. The LORD shall smite thee with consumption, and with a fever, and with inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish.” (Deuteronomy 28:21)Some family sicknesses are reoccurring.

Reoccurring is the indication of a family curse. Notice the terms “pestilence” and “consumption.”This curse releases sicknesses of all kinds. Consumption is a wasting lung disease, emphysema, COPD, and lung cancer.

Lung cancer is the number three killer.He also uses terms, “fever” and “inflammation.” These indicate a curse that is evidenced by arthritis. Inflammation of the brain leads to Alzheimer disease. Then we read the term “extreme burning.” Extreme burning points toward all sorts of strange fevers.CHRONIC WOUNDS“The LORD will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with hemorrhoids, and with the scab, and with the itch, of which thou canst not be healed.” (Deuteronomy 28:27)Botches are open sores or boils. These are experienced by those that have problems with wounds that will not heal. Scripture also says, “The LORD shall smite thee in the knees, and in the legs, with a sore botch that cannot be healed, from the sole of thy foot unto the top of thy head” (Deuteronomy 28:35). This curse attacks legs, soles of the feet and the top of one's head.The Lord didn’t leave any diseases out of this curse. He declared, “Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the LORD bring upon thee until thou be destroyed.” (Deuteronomy 28:61).

BARRENNESS, IMPOTENCE, FEMALE PROBLEMS“Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep.” (Deuteronomy 28:18)Perhaps you have heard menstrual problems know as “the curse.” Sometimes folklore comes from biblical tradition. Menstrual problems may be the result of a family curse.

Scripture says, “Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body.” The word body, Hebrew beten, means womb, belly, or abdomen. The womb deals with reproduction. Signs of this curse are infections, hormone problems, menstrual problems, PMS, cramps, fibroids, painful sex, barrenness, miscarriages, cysts, tumors, bladder problems, kidney stones. Female problems plague millions of women.

Have I Been Cursed Movie

A curse is a spell that is targeted directly at a person or place and is meant to cause harm. There are many such spells, but they can be broken down into categories. The entropy or chaos curse: This spell increases the probability of harm to its target. The harm might range from bad luck to death, but the trademark of this curse is that there is no rhyme or reason to the harm caused—it just results in things generally going wrong. If a whole string of things keep going spectacularly and improbably awry, there is a good chance there is an entropy curse at work.

The binding: This spell causes an inability to act. It may manifest psychologically as depression or anxiety, or it may operate by simply making none of your plans amount to anything. If you find yourself completely unable to act upon your decisions, then you might be under a binding. The lesson: Some users of magick want to dispense justice, and right or wrong, they are willing to use magick to do it. The specifics of these curses are always retributive and their casters love to 'make the punishment fit the crime.'

Thus, if the target is a thief, they will be stolen from—and if they are a user, they will be used. If you find yourself suddenly and consistently a victim of 'your own medicine,' you might want to look around for a nearby witch with a good-guy badge. The special-purpose curse: This is a catch-all category for things like 'a sending of rats' or the 'evil eye.' These spells are usually specific, have a great deal of lore associated with them, and are generally spectacular in their results (there is nothing subtle about your house being infested with dozens of rats). In this case, each spell has its own hallmark signs, but they are all very spectacular.

When life starts feeling like a horror movie, you have a special-purpose curse. People who are simply having a bad time in their lives often think they are the victims of curses. Knowing whether you are really cursed requires some careful self-examination. You must first ask yourself if you are being honest and objective and whether what is happening might just be coincidence or self-sabotage.

If you really believe that what is happening might in fact be caused by magick, there are ways to check. If your area has an occult store or local pagan group, you might be able to find help there, or use the simple divination method below. (Note: this method employs the same approach as with a Tarot deck, but uses a normal deck of playing cards. If you want to use Tarot cards, you can, just remove the Major Arcana and use the same method with the remainder).Sit down with a deck of playing cards.

Take the jokers out and set them aside.Shuffle the cards slowly, not using the normal method of card-game shuffling. In other words, you should be mindfully mixing the cards in your hand and there should be no loud, slapping noises.

Shuffle intently and focus on all of the reasons why you think you are cursed, remembering everything that has occurred. After a few minutes of this, focus on your question: 'Is what is happening to me the result of a curse?' When you feel ready, stop shuffling.Put the stack of cards in front of you, face down.

One by one, pull a card from the top of your deck and lay it face up in a pile. Keep stacking cards until you either find an ace or the pile is ten cards high. In other words, count as you go, and if you turn over an ace or reach ten, stop.Do this three times for a total of three stacks.

You will have some cards leftover in the face-down deck, but you'll also have three piles of face-up cards. You will end up with 0-3 aces showing.If you have zero aces showing, then you are not likely cursed (yay!).If you see one, there is a one in three (33.3%) chance you are cursed. It may be that someone is thinking negative thoughts about you, but they haven't done anything more than think.If you see two aces, there's a two-in-three chance (66.6%) that you have been cursed. It may be that someone has not only thought about but has sent or is preparing to send negative energies towards you.If there are three aces showing, this means you are definitely cursed (99.9%). Someone is actively willing harm, bad luck, and negativity towards you. If you are cursed, then it is most likely low-end magick practiced by an amateur. Professionals are generally occupied with more important things.

However, amateurs can have a lot of raw power even when their technique is lacking, and their curses can be very dangerous.There are a couple of ways to deal with a curse. The first is to become an initiate in some tradition of magick and learn to protect yourself. This is not for everyone (no matter what some of the books may say, not everyone is suited to magick) and is extremely time-consuming, difficult, and brings its own dangers. The second way is to use a simple spell that anyone can do without real training. You don't need practice, but you do need to follow all the instructions carefully and conscientiously. Items needed:. The target (the item, person, or place that has been cursed).

A tub of water large enough to submerge and wash the target (or enough water to wash down the area if a location was cursed). Enough sea salt so the water-to-salt ratio is about 100:1. If you fill the tub with about 100 cups of water, then a cup of salt should suffice. If you only need a cup of water to immerse a small object, then two teaspoons of salt will do. When in doubt, it's better to use too much salt than too little.Best times to perform this ritual: During a new moon, on a Thursday, at noon or at midnight, at dawn or at dusk (or at any time associated with transitions).Fill the tub with water. The temperature should be comfortable for a long soak if the target is a living thing.Open and hold up the container of sea salt.Clear your mind and say the following words while concentrating on what they mean to you.

Say them slowly, confidently, and meditatively: 'In the names of my ancestors, my gods, and myself, I call upon thee, oh creatures of Earth and Water. Come forth, cleanse name of target of all evil and alien magicks, and restore them, me, it to balance and health. By our wills combined, so mote it be.' .Pour the salt into the water.Keeping your mind in that calm and meditative state, submerge or wash the target slowly.

If you are the target, get in the tub and simply lay back and soak. Let everything slip away.

If you are cleansing an object or a location, you will have to make sure the water touches every inch of its surface.Do this for at least ten minutes. When you are done, drain the water away and rinse it off the target. It is absolutely necessary that all of the saltwater is washed off of the target!.When you are done, say the following in the same way you did step 3: 'I thank thee, oh creatures of Earth and Water, in the name of myself, my gods, and my ancestors. Be released to your homes, doing no harm on your way, and return to me with glad hearts when next you are summoned. By our wills combined, so mote it be.'

The downside of this is cleansing that it is limited in its scope and power and that it may not be able to defeat a more powerful curse. If this is true, seek a professional to help you, because you won't be able to deal with it without real training. You could use a mirror spell to reflect and deflect the curse back to the curser, but I don't recommend this.

If there is no curse, if it's just your overactive imagination, then you may mistakenly curse yourself. It may be that the curse was made in a rash, unintentional, emotional moment and the curser has calmed down and amended their thinking since then. Unless you know specifically who cursed you, and you're certain you want to curse that person, it's never a good idea to send any curses blindly back out into the universe.

Many believe in the law of three: what you send out into the world will return to you threefold. Even if you think you're just sending curses back, if you send them, they will come back to you some day. Better to just clean them up, as described above. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 10 years. We have a beautiful son. In those 10 years I haven’t been able to keep a job.

Great job opportunities slip between my fingers each and every time. I am constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop because nothing good ever happens to me. I went from 212lbs to barely 150lbs and steady losing weight no matter how many carbs I take in daily. Lately it seems that anyone who tries to help me in any way start to have problems of their own. I’ve lost 3 cars and three homes because it seems as if I can never make enough money to do anything no matter how good the job pays.

Literally anything bad that could happen to a person has happened to me. Seems like everything in my life cancels itself out.

I want to go to school but that takes money. Can never keep money because of being unemployed. No money no school. No school no job. Stuff like that. I barely have a home and if I even blink or take a breath of relief I lose everything so my guard is constantly up. About a year ago I spoke with a physic.

What she had to say shocked me. Apparently my son’s grandmother hates me. Which I knew but I never dreamed she would curse me. I was told she hated anyone who gets close to her son (my boyfriend) and had been messing with my life for years. It makes sense because before I met her everything was fine. After I met her my mom lost my childhood home.

I was only 19 at the time. I had never been able to manage to save any money. I’ve had relationship problems from day one.

No one on earth seems to even like me even the ppl who claim to love me. I watched my friends just go out and do stuff with no problems but when I try I get knocked down every time. Recently I was up for a new job only to be called a few days later to be told I don’t have the job. This happened only AFTER I quit my current job leaving me with no job or money causing my car to be repoed AGAIN! I was told by the psychic that the woman I am dealing with had been doing this crap for years.

She sent my boyfriend away and things seem to get 10x’s worse since. She was confronted by her son (unbeknownst to me) and the very next day I found black markings on my doorstep. Now I just feel trapped. It’s sad because when I was 18 years old I had soooo many dreams and big plans. Never got to accomplish any of it there’s always been a roadblock in the way. I am exhausted. I’ve been reading up on ways to break curses and I don’t even have the means to do even the simplest of tasks.

It’s gotten that bad. I don’t know what to do but I do know that I am tired of living like this. I was told by the psychic that she was aiming to make this permanent on my life. This is no way to live. I’ve never done anything to this woman she’s successful, rich, and you’d think she’d be happy.

What kind of person in their 40’s would want to crush a little girls (then 18 years old) dreams like that. It’s a hurtful disgusting thought to feel like my life is in shambles and someone is just sitting back rejoicing off of it.

I need help and no idea what to do anymore! The few things I can try don’t seem to be working. I suspect whatever magic she’s using is extremely powerful because bad luck follows me every second of the day. No one should have to live like this. I am so scared /: im22 everythings is bad i had a incident with my old best friend her mom messes with brujas and coincident that ever since that happen my little brother lost his mind has phycosis schizophrenia and my mom the worst part is that my mom is aware and does not want to do anything we dont talk nomore because she always tells me she wishes bad to me and that she cursed me and ii cant seem to get a job im trying to go to school nothing works if theres a problem theres always another thing wrong! Im so depress i just want to end my life ive done nothing wrong and everuhings a mess and nothings going right! And ive always believed in god ive never new shit about this and i just cant take this shit i wana go get the girl and her mom myself idk what to do im so broke i hardly have even a dollar idk.(.

Ive been a good honest person my whole life. I dont steal and always give. Even broke i give money to people on the road with signs even if its a lie.well let me tell you all this. A good god believing person screwed me out of 125,000 dollars because he made a mistake. Now he wont even give 10,000 back and he can easy. A friends wife stole 32,000 out a bussiness i had with her husband and i only got some back.

Then she stole from where she worked and when she got fired they gave her months off with pay and 30,000. Now im broke and my life sucks there all doing great where the Karma people talk about. Good people finish last. Sucks its that way but ive got nothing to look forward to. It may be hard being a Christian at times, but not being a Christian can be way worse in the end,especially if you're not living in a wholesome way.Some may only have known one way to live, I'd suggest getting prayed over by good Christians in spiritual Church.Not acknowledging God won't protect, because if you're not with God, there's only one other option. & don't think for a minute that the enemy has any loyalty to anyone.Living a good life as a Christian (eg helping others when you can) isn't that much different than just being a good person - not too much sacrificeThis life is a test, l know it's an inconvenient thought for many, but compare a human life with eternity.Small sacrifice.

We should pray over each other to break these evil deedspeople who do these things have minds that are twisted by evil.Here's what I've learned in the last few yeaes after psychic & spiritual attack.Everyone who dabbles in the occult will eventually lose (if they don't repent) especially if their intent is to harm & cause chaos. Eventually they will die an eternal spiritual death.One shouldn't t have the attitude that they can pray for forgiveness on their deathbed as death could take them by surpriseEvil can make people think black is white & white is black.It's important to not get caught up in retaliation (even though it's very tempting ) as this becomes a cycle - keep putting it in God's handsthere is hope for everyone -as long as they repent of their ways & try & atone for their wrong doingTry to pray for your enemies as 'they know not what they do'. Can anyone help please, I'm just trying to live my life eg pay off my mortgage, & have a pleasant life.I know that I'm under attack by others including my own family (think narcissists) & l know that I don't deserve persecution. But i do know that such people's minds are twisted & they won't admit anything & I'm being cast as a crazy person. Eg I'm broke,;lonely, nothing seems to come to fruition - I'm beginning to lose hope which isone of the worst things that can happen.

I've always tried to live a good life without much recognition. My husband and I have been separated for over 2 years. He met this girl they are on methamphetamines. He got in touch with me we started hanging out and was thinking about working things out.

This made the girl mad she got him so far on drugs that he lost his house she sold all his property for drugs he lost his job when we were hanging out and he got a new job and was trying to get his life back and getting off the drugs. She came back into his life and now has total control over everything in his life. I think he has a spell cast on him because I've noticed on her Facebook she's into some bad stuff.

I've known him for ten years you cannot control this man but she has total control. She's got him mad at everybody he is not allowed to be on his Facebook he's not allowed to answer his phone he's not allowed to go anywhere.

This is why I think she has some type of spell cast on him is there any way that you could help me get that off of him I get him back to himself he has abandoned his dog his children and his grandchildren his friends. He's a very sociable person and now he's like hidden away I need help please. I've also had wicked things done to me my whole life, starting with my family!

I now realise many things as l prayed for revelation.I'm keeping my head above water, I've had many near death experiences, poverty, no friends (better than 'frenamys'), car accidents, continual failure, people mistrusting/disliking & blaming me.But l also feel like I've been protected by God & given the strength to bear these things.People putting evil on others are not in their right minds - they are being driven by an evil force (guess who?)For this reason one should pray over their enemies. I am so happy to find a place to talk about this. My cousin did black magic on me for almost 2 years. She was sleeping with my boyfriend while i was living with him and with whom I went thru hell and an ectopic pregnancy and even physical abuse. She turned all my friends against me, and even the other guys I dated after she has done sexual things with.

She talked to 3 of them at the same time even now and she made me the bad person. She taught my friends to go to places to do voodo to me. She even caused my car accident which I was about not to walk ever again.

I run to a psychic on the road a few weeks after my accident and she told me to go to her and have a reading as I looked like something bad was happening, at first I hesitated but then was like why not. So I went the woman told me that this cousin wanted me dead, and she was amazed I was still alive after all the curse that was put on me!! So I went to another psychic (teo different towns apart) just to see what she had to say, and the other one said the exact same thing. I guess when you got a good heart, never hurt anyone and you do good things for people, God does look upon you! So Im alive and this is my second chance in this world and I can’t be more than grateful!It’s simply disappointing and scary what people can do and especially people you have open the door to and your thought they were your best friends and you have helped for your entire life!! She used my clothing, my exes clothing and she even took my hair to do black magic on.

All I did was help this girl, paid for her everything, intorduced her to people, introduced her to a new world, gave her money even when I didn’t have any myself, never even asked back for it! All this while she was doing black magic to me and I was suffering emotionally and financially without knowing the cause of it.

My relationships were a mess and no one would commit to me. Even my relationship with my mom was a disaster, the most important person in my life and I as fighting with her everyday for no apparent reason.After all she did, after all I went thru, I still do not curse the cousin or wish her bad luck.God is big!!! Karma is a b.tch!! She will find her suffering as life is very long!!I just thank God again that I am alive and I caught this on time!!Best of luck to all of us who have been in this road!We must keep our head up, and be good!. Kayla believe me I understand your frustration because I am also facing similar situation. I helped a friend who didn’t have anything to become someone help her own her for car and he went a head and buy it on my license in my name because she didn’t had one, helped her accomplished her GED and gave her a room a bathroom in my apartment to live comfortable and to top it off I even find her job at my previous job and still she wasn’t satisfied she was jealous and envious of me because I am 6 years younger than her and accomplish more than her.

This girl was suppose to be my best friend she was going at any length to have life my first sign was bad luck then demonic attacks, then I could see my money when I got paid I was always broke and feeling possessive then I started to have awful breakout in my face no man would look at me and end up have move out of my apartment to live with family members including her move and went to stay with a her friend and 3 weeks after guess who moved into the very same apartment I have to move out of? That same girl I was so shocked I cried to God for mercy because I worked as a single mother and helped this girl out of the kindness of my heart. One night again my car broke down on at work I was stuck there until 5am when I got my elder sister on the phone she sent a Uber for me. The next day my sister called me and said something is not right u need help this is too much my sister got contact with a spiritualist/ritualist who told her that I was use in some evil ritual I any day at time I can die need to be taken care of immediately. I was so shock I started crying and started doubting the man as well I called my mom who’s a Christian and told her she had a prayer night meeting with her Christian brethren’s to deliver me when they had the same vision as the man told my sister while they were praying for me so I panic.

The next day i got in contact with 2 more ritualist one from Atlanta and another from my country the one from Atlanta words was someone is about to get your head you need help fast and the lady from my country said I am not trying to scare you but u can go to sleep and not wake up any day now. I was dry broke I have no money but I have 2 empty bank accounts and I pay $244 in overdrawn for round trip ticket to my country to get help then I pull the remaining $60 from that account because I am allowed $300 in overdrawn then I over $300 from the other account to pay for the service and support me for the 3 days I was going to in my country for else I would have been a dead woman now. I have the major part complete which is the death treats a little bad luck is still there and going back to put back the fire in my hands.

Have I Been Cursed Meaning

Be careful who you call friends who u help because once jealousy enters the mind your own friends will plan to take your life and the worse part is hex is a struggle to get rid of is like gaining weight easily but struggling to get it off. I believe I was cursed in a state university art college almost 8 years ago by who I am quite sure is a dark occultist and sex predator named Robert Rivers. This curse had led me and other young women to follow that professor and, overdose on drugs many times the 2 years I had been going there and it also kept me an outcast and emotionally broke me down to the point that i could barely dress myself to look decent.And so i was outcasted there, scapegoated for Rivers sexual abuse of his students, and called crazy because of it. The situation twisted up my mind.

The curse had kept a very strong hold on me for almost 8 years til a year ago I had a spiritual awakening and began seeking Christ. I think I need serious help with this curse if anyone has resource information.

That situation still rests on me to this day and possibly has gone on in past lifetimes of this man and his coworkers abusing students in a psychopathic web, where i am at a loss in exposing this evil. @Lunar My grandmother read cards for years using only playing cards. She had a core group of people who would see her and felt she was very accurate.

Many people use standard playing cards for readings especially considering the price of some decks or maybe they just like the anonymity of it. There is still a wisdom in silence and doing your work quietly. At one time, it was not 'cool' to display or even own Tarot cards. Hell, a deck of everyday playing cards was enough to get you trouble from a local church. So women did what they had to do. Also, Tarot cards are based on playing cards. That is where the correlation between suits and numbers come from.

For 12 yrs one bad thing after the other for me.I don't do things I used to love. I always iv always been in a relationship since 16. I'm happiest when I'm sharing daily love. I am in love with my three children.

Ive been known as very positive cheery easy going funny hard working god believing person I do not get loved by my mom or my kids. I haven't had a friend for years. My jaw was broken by this guy I tried to date he just hit me for not agreeing on something stupid. I went to 3 different hospitals to get surgery was neglected and never got the surgery I need. When your grown up kids tell you they hate you after loving you their whole life, but don't say why and then permanently stop talking to you its like a horror movie what do you call that. This is so stupid.playing cards are not tarot cards how dumb are you.

Selenite and sage and a bay leaf are not going to remove a curse. Theres so many ways and this is the most misleading piece of crap ive ever read. Using selenite is basic stuff but it wont rid a curse. If you believe you are cursed look into a real hoodoo witch not an exemplor article. Some curses can even be dangerous to unhex because the person who did it can have you KILLED if they find out you are trying to. Its best to see a real person not take advice from someone who doesnt even know what tarot cards are. Tarot doesnt have jokers or aces those are as you said, playing cards.

Tarot is not a play thing it is an oracle. I have been told repeatedly and more recently by mediums etc that I was cursed as a child out of jelouse Nature and that is why no matter how Good I am or how hard I try, things just don't go as intended.so thank you so much for making this information available for people like me. I'm almost 50 with an empty nest and I'm in Therapy for PTSD as a result of my scitsophrenic alcoholic mother.my father was killed in a freak accident while she was pregnant with me,he had no knowledge of the pregnancy.so today I thank you for the recourses to take my righfull Life back. Honestly, great article, but I can tell you're a wiccan or a 'light path' follower because of how you handle the description of the curses, specifically the one on lessons. That sort of shaming towards cursing for justice is abusive and gaslighting, witches who practice revenge and justice curses are just trying to do something to get back on their wrongdoers, and many a time those witches are just hurting from abuse and feel like that's the last resource they have in their hands to get some control back on their situation that has forcibly put them on a position of powerlessness.

It's disgusting to tell people to 'just forgive and move on,' no one can tell an abused person that, people have to work through their grief, and calling for justice definitely should not be placed in such a bad eye, mainly considering many a time those abusers never see any sort of punishment from anyone else, even society. So no, I have to disagree with you deeply at how you worded about curses, you made it seem like cursing to get justice is as bad, if not worse than a binding, which IMO is WAY worse, since you're inflicting emotional and psychological pain, which goes far beyond some karma. I have a nutty aunt who I think is a witch.She's been to our house a total of two times. The first time she came, my dad left his job and now our financial situation isn't great.The second time, she made her son skip his exams just to meet us, but that's uncharacteristic of her since she skips all the weddings in our family because of said son's studies. But that's not all.My mum complimented her watch (which was quite expensive, fyi), and not two minutes later she's sitting with the watch in her hand, muttering under her breath (my mum was busy in the kitchen, but she got a glimpse). Then she gave my mum the watch.After that, stuff has happened in our family which is unusual and frightening.Any advice at this point is appreciated.

Have I Been Cursed Meaning

I need help or a spiritual healer that won't be a scam for any circumstances whatsoever. Anyway I am so sick and tired of being this way because in my mind, my mind is blocked from all my thoughts and it comes naturally to me but in 2016 i started to become depressed and depression is a symptom of a curse and i never been depressed before. I am acting forgetful and probably memory loss too. I don't know what it is i mean i do know who did this to me simply because she doesn't like me. But all im doing is taking one day at a time but still im depressed and i eat healthy and stuff like that i just don't like being this way i was happy and find until my mind became tormented by this girl.

I cry just about everyday because of the way I am right now and I just need help im tired of everything and I'm only 18 and I'm depressed. Hi I am abit crazy and I thought I might be cursed I always have bad thoughts and ocd I played the card game but after didnt ask the question putting the intent of the thoughts of why i might be cursed in the cards but forgetting to ask the question will that cause me to be cursed of those things? I also tried the braking curse spell but I can never be relaxed and Ihave bad thoughts so I was afraid that because I had bad thoughts of something bad happening to my heart will when I was doing the spell will that intent cause it?. I know this girl who rode on my bus when I was in high school did something to me to where im unhappy sad and depressed.

I know she put a curse or a spell or something like that because my spirit has been down lately and i feel miserable or something. This happened in 2016 and ive been depressed i can't concentrate i act forgetful and i don't know what im talking about i know this sounds crazy but my mind is depressed here that's all.

It has nothing to do with my health or what i eat because I eat healthy i just know my mind has changed and effected from this girl and what she did to me. She thought i was disrespectful to her but i wasn't at all even i know for a fact i didn't do anything wrong to deserve this. Im to the point now that being done with high school and all i just don't know of anything or how to think and make decisions now because of this girl. It still bothers me today i need help to get rid of this and send it back to her because ive thought of suicide and what i say and do to the answers im looking for im not getting nowhere. I don't know what to do now ive given up my spirit is down i just i don't know that's all ive been saying lately and that's not like me im very depressed. Thank you for the very interesting read. Now that I have read your article I am convinced that my family and I are cursed with a entropy/ chaos curse.

If not a curse, a Hex as it has been long standing without mercy.We have had constant sabotage and a strings of unexplainable misfortune for at least the last decade. Everything from death, miscarriages, losing our house, job and vehicle each more than once. Unexplained illness that lead to rare complications and financial struggles that have lead to foreclosure and evictions despite me working upwards of 16 hour days between 3-4 employers at the same time. We have seen, heard things that is supernatural even I have been molested in my sleep. This has even affected our child, who was top 3 - 5 in his classes, a sought out athlete, out going loving person, to the bottom of his class, not making on athletic teams, miserable and lashing out not wanting to socialize, sleeping all the time and losing significant weight.I know this may sound absurd to some of you, but let me give you example.

One night, I woke up to use the washroom, on my way back to our room, I stopped to check on our child through their slightly opened door. I swear I saw something not of this world perched on their back like a winged gargoyle. I blinked and shook my head and swang open the his bedroom door and it was gone.

This scared the very core of my being. Within a week I dreamt myself crying over of my child's lifeless mottled body twice in one night.

I, my spirit has been unease ever since. Going against my families faith to seek outside help anywhere, like here.We have become so paranoid not trusting anyone, cutting off friends and family. To the point we are afraid to have conversations out loud about anything significant in our own house; may it be how we are going to pay a bill, a job interview to trying to conceive (which has been years since our last miscarriage).My partner and I have lost our faith in our conservative beliefs we were raised up in, as despite our prayers, fasting, seeking pastoral advise, NOTHING has changed. Of late, my partner has voiced serious consideration of suicide.I am scared for myself and family in all aspects. We all now have anxiety, depression and the feeling of impending doom all the time. I am, mentally, spiritually and physically exhausted.

I am so livid as we don't know who or how we could have pissed them off so much that they have made it their mission and have been so relentless in making our lives miserable and unsuccessful to the brink of bankruptcy and marital separation.We want to know who it is, at this point I don't care why they have instigated this. We what to make this cease immediately, return it back to the sender(s) tenfolds and protect our family from this ever happening again. We have endured more than enough, more than most would bare. Our blessings and the seeds that we sowed of bounty are long overdue. We cannot continue to live this way.Please advise as I believe it's going to take more than a salt bath especially if it is a hex.Sincerely your assistance will be greatly appreciated. A so called friend gave me a gift of a nice cat head piggy bank - mirror metallic light blue color, which she insisted meeting with me to give to me. It was a Christmas gift that she had been wanting to give to me.

Along with it came a key chain and a small beauty bag. I don’t speak to her anymore. She gave me bad advice on dating a guy who really liked me and she sabotaged me including my sisters crush. I also got into a bad car accident that ruined my life.

And all this happened right after I met her again after 7 years of not speaking with her. She would say I was her best friend but when I would tell her my major in university, she would tell people I was majoring in something less interesting.

Can someone please help me in determining if these objects by what they are be possible objects to curse?. When I was a teen my mother, grandmother and I went to visit a woman. She was crippled and unable to walk. After we left I asked my mother who the woman was. She told me that she was the mother of my fathers military friend.

She told me that the woman had cursed my father because her son was chosen for a military duty over my father and died. I still don't understand why she thought that was my fathers fault. I asked my mother why we visited her if this was true, she really didn't answer me. Long story short.

My father died at age 27 of a brain tumor. His decline was very fast. My parents were still newlyweds and I was only 15 months old. My mother never dated or remarried.

My Grandmother mourned her only child's death until her own death. I have had an feeling of unhappiness as long as I can remember. My marriage was doomed from the start and ended after 19 years of hoping things would get better. Both of my daughters suffer from anxiety and sadness. Neither will ever have children due to health issues.

I feel that this old woman's curse has reached all of us to be lonely and sad. My daughters know nothing of this curse and I don't want to ask my mother any questions about it either. What can I do to lift this off all of us? I am sure the woman is dead herself by now. She would be well into he nineties by now.

I am tired of living under this cloud and I want better for my children. Im 37 and cursed. I have been told its a family curse, to do with my mother. I'm not sure if it's my mother who cursed me, she has nothing but pure hatred for me since I was conceived, but I think all my mother's children are cursed.Things go wrong, horribly wrong.

ALL the time. Hello everyone, I am Baba Sanichi, I came across this site while surfing the net. I have been reading all your complains and I understand perfectly well what each and everyone of you is going through.Yes, some of you maybe cursed as a result of what your grand or great grand parents most have done in the past, this is known as ancestral or generational curses.It is quite unfair why we have to suffer for what someone else has done in the past, but there's a solution to breaking/removing this ancestral curses. If you want to be free and happy and enjoy what the creator God has bestowed upon you please kindly visit miracletomb.org.They helped me with all my problems which inlcude health, finances and happiness.Blessed be. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam.

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Have I Been Cursed